Human Design Mandala - 64 Hexagrams - Rave I'Ching - The Science of Differentiation

Discover Your Design

Human Design provides detailed information on conscious and unconscious aspects of your unique genetic makeup, serving as a compass to guide you in discovering your truth.

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Once the Living Your Design course is complete, many students find they are interested in learning even more about the Human Design System. Whether a student wants to become an analyst or simply become more informed, this course is the next step

In this course, you will gain a deeper insight into your personal design. Through this journey, you will discover how to perceive the bodygraph as a captivating map of awareness and understand the intricate pathways through which energy flows.

As you progress, you will enhance your vocabulary to effectively convey empowering keynotes about individual designs and refine your ability to articulate the unique map of any given design. Keynoting is a refined art that involves elegantly weaving together and unlocking the essential elements of a design. 

This course marks the initial stage of the chart analysis process, laying the foundation for those aspiring to achieve professional certification in this field or simply interested in delving deeper.


  1. Black – Red, Personality and Design
  2. Circuits and Circuitry
  3. Hexagram Structure

Pre-requisites: Human Design Foundation Reading, Living Your Design: A Cellular Transformation.Required Materials: Rave ABC Student Manual; recommended MMI Software Student Edition

Regular price $650.00 AUD
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