
Lisa Maree Akhurst 

The Science of Differentiation came to my awareness in 2018, and every day since, I have been on the trail of uncovering the mysteries and mechanics of our Maia. 

The Human Design System has unlocked a much deeper understanding of the many interrelated facets of the human body, mind and spirit, reinforcing what I knew within myself while uncovering a greater perception of how I personally interface with life and others around me. The accuracy and purity of the knowledge continues to reveal itself - I have never experienced such beauty and perfection. I am forever grateful and awe-inspired and feel deeply called to this work. This pursuit has become my passion as a profession and to help me navigate life with more grace and tranquillity.

As a natural seeker, Human Design stimulates me as it grounds me deeper into the art of being, and through my journey of true acceptance and mastery of self-expression, I will continue to flower and recognise the beauty of my life that I am here to see. 

Born on the Cross of The Vessel of Love, it gives me great pleasure to be of service to humanity. My role as a Projector is to guide and navigate you through this logical and empirical system, helping you to identify where you may be amplifying life and living out of your openness (not-self), the distorted reality of conditioning and the thoughts of a constant looping mind. I am here to bring you back to the core essence of who you are and empower you to stand in your uniqueness. 

We all play a role in this vast frequency puzzle. So let us play. It is time to fall into the magic of what it is to be unique and all you are and live a life that truly resonates. 


Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love

3/6 Mental Projector - Single Definition
My personality’s Sun is located in Gate 15, the love of humanity, and my Earth grounds me in Gate 10, self-love. I was born in the quarter of Civilization with my life's purpose fulfilled through form. I move through life with a personal perspective, motivated by innocence.

17-62 Channel of Acceptance 
An Organisational Being
The ability to guide others when recognised and invited through sharing concepts to move and assist their progression by establishing mutual understanding.

11-56 Channel of Curiosity
A Seeker/Searcher
This energy is about seeking, not necessarily finding. Still, the curiosity drives the search to experience the absolute of what life can bring. When invited to share, I can reflect upon my life to stimulate and inspire others through storytelling.

Waiting for the right invitations ensures I engage in successful interactions that form mutual understanding and acceptance. With that, I bring humility and empowerment through love to help organise and guide the energy of others toward a more satisfying direction by sharing ideas and infusing curiosity. My selfless contributions serve to inspire and ignite the dreams of others.


IHDS Certified Living Your Design Guide

Understand deeply what it is you are, so that you are deeply aware of what you are not.

- Ra Uru Hu

Discover Your Design

Discover your genetic blueprint through the Science of Differentiation.